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The Beginning

Hello, thank you so much for visiting my documentation of my personal journey towards better mental health. I started this blog as a way to share my story with others, and hopefully inspire someone else to start or continue their own journey.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth, and I have been fighting mental health issues for 14 months now. In September of 2019, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety (general and social). Since then, I have tried a mix of therapy, medication, and other supplements and activities to try and find my way out of the shadows. For me, mental illness can feel like I'm a ship lost at sea in the middle of a storm, trying to navigate my way through the darkness. Somedays I think I see the light, and I make my way towards it, but then other days it disappears and I can't see even a foot in front of me.

If that sounds at all familiar, then hopefully by sharing my story, you will be encouraged in your own journey to keep fighting and never give up. And you are always welcome to comment with your own story and experience, as I'd love to hear from you.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my blog. May it bring you hope that you can find your way through your own ocean, and reach the lighthouse at the shore.

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